Yvonne I miss seeing you coming along with hot cross buns every good Friday, ajar of marmalade if I had picked up some shopping for you that you could not get locally, sitting at your spinning wheel with a box of fleece at your feet or busy with your tapestry work - I have a lovely cockerel cushion that you made for me to say nothing of the VW camper van you made for me to give Sean for his Birthday. You were always busy doing something, the only time you were still was when Wimbledon was on and if it was Federer playing the curtains were drawn the phone went unanswered ! I remember seeing you marching across the Rype in wellies and raincoat soon after knee replacements refusing any offers of a lift "it is my daily exercise" would come the reply! I like to think of you busy organising all the angels up in heaven because I bet they don`t know what`s hit them up there!! R.I.P. my good friend and thanks for all the memories.