I remember Aunty Yvonne (as we used to call her) as someone who would always think of others before herself and give rather than receive. She made me feel part of the family straight away and always referred to me as her niece (I am her nephew's wife). I have very fond memories of our visits to her. Yvonne had so many different interests and she knew so many people that our conversations never dried up or became dull. She used to love feeding us whith either homemade chicken casserole or her 'carbohydrate feasts' as she termed them. When Noah and Spencer were very young she used to put interesting objects in a little wooden cabinet in her entrance hall for them to find and play with. Later on she always had a treasure hunt prepared for them which involved the boys looking in all the nooks and crannies of her house in search of hidden keepsakes. I know Yvonne wouldn't have wanted us to be too sad but to remember her with fondness and love. I have chosen this short poem by Helen Steiner Rice because it reflects Yvonne's poitive outlook in life and her hope for the next: There is no night without a dawning No winter without spring And beyond the dark horizon Our hearts will once more sing... For those who leave us for a while Have only gone away Out of a restless, care worn world Into a brighter day.